The Ten and Five Element Cycle Types & Detailed Diagram

As a general rule, yang and yin are harmonious. Yang with yang or yin with yin are not harmonious. The type of harmony or disharmony depends on the elemental relationship. 
Production Cycle: Output- Wood -> Fire -> Earth -> Metal -> Water ->
Weakening Cycle: Resource- Wood -> Water -> Metal -> Earth -> Fire ->
Controlling Cycle:  Wealth- Wood -> Earth -> Water -> Fire -> Metal ->
Insulting Cycle: Influence- Wood -> Metal -> Fire -> Water -> Earth -> 

Inspiration Cycle: The inspiration cycle is the weakening cycle, but associating the yang and yin separately. This creates sudden inspiration energy.
Yang: Ren -> Geng -> Wu -> Bing -> Jia ->
Yin: Gui -> Xin -> Ji -> Ding -> Yi ->

Creative Cycle: The creative cycle is the weakening cycle, but with all ten elements together alternating between yin and yang. This creates creative expression energy. 
Ren -> Xin -> Wu -> Ding -> Jia -> Gui -> Geng -> Ji -> Bing -> Yi ->

Windfall Wealth Cycle: The windfall wealth cycle is the insulting cycle, but associating the yang and yin separately. This creates a sudden windfall of wealth or abundance.
Yang: Ren -> Wu -> Jia -> Geng -> Bing ->
Yin:  Gui -> Ji -> Yi -> Xin -> Ding ->

Expected Wealth Cycle: The expected wealth cycle is the insulting cyle, but with all ten elements together alternating between yin and yang. This creates earned income. 
Ren -> Ji -> Jia -> Xin -> Bing -> Gui -> Wu -> Yi -> Geng -> Ding ->

Unfavorable Conflict Cycle: The unfavorable conflict cycle is the controlling cycle, but associating the yang and yin separately. This creates problems and stress.
Yang: Ren -> Bing -> Geng -> Jia -> Wu ->
Yin: Gui -> Ding -> Xin -> Yi -> Ji ->

Positive Change/ Restraint Cycle: The positive change/ restraint cycle is the controlling cycle, but with all ten elements together alternating between yin and yang. This creates a tempering effect.
Ren -> Ding -> Geng -> Yi -> Wu -> Gui -> Bing -> Xin -> Jia -> Ji ->

Improper Care Cycle: The improper care cycle is the productive cycle, but associating the yang and yin separately. This creates uneasiness. 
Yang: Ren -> Jia -> Bing -> Wu -> Geng ->
Yin: Gui -> Yi -> Ding -> Ji -> Xin ->

Happiness/ Proper Care Cycle: The happiness/ proper care cycle is the productive cycle, but with all ten elements together alternating between yin and yang. This creates loving support.
Ren -> Yi -> Bing -> Ji -> Geng -> Gui -> Jia -> Ding -> Wu -> Xin ->


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