What Makes Our Luck?

What someone goes through is made of equal parts Heaven Luck, the most powerful and consists of one's situation beyond their control from birth. Earth Luck, the second most powerful, has to do with the health of one's physical surroundings and can be improved by following the guidelines of traditional feng shui, i.e. careful landscaping. Then Personal Luck, which is powerful but can never influence one's Heaven Luck. Changing one's Heaven luck is like changing who you are born to, and where, and when, and with how much money, it just simply cannot be done. Personal Luck is affected by our decisions and personal choices as there are both beneficial and harmful consequences to our actions. Our choices can affect our environment, so Personal Luck can influence Earth Luck. Heaven luck determines where one is born and the means of which to move to a new location so Heaven Luck can also influence Earth Luck. Earth luck meets in the middle. 

When it comes to the Metaphysical, Heaven luck is considered as an astrological signature telling of one's destiny. This destiny is granted the moment one takes their first breaths. It's a poetic picture, but is it not so in a literal sense as well? It's like saying 'our life starts when we are born.’ Of course it does. Though through metaphysics the first breath takes a more... literal form of bestowment from above. What I mean is that whatever day we are born, we take in the ruling qi of that day and become whichever one that is. This ruling Qi becomes what is called a 'Day Master' for an individual. One can discover their day master through a Bazi Calculator online, just be sure to account for day lights savings time. It is also crucial to note that the beginning of the day starts at 3am, traditionally. This is something that has been neglected so calculators will usually take the Gregorian clock calculation instead, be sure to account for this when looking up a Bazi chart. If one is born at 2:30am on Feb 5 on the Gregorian calendar, and the 5th is a "Yin Metal Rooster" day, the modern calculators will assume one's day master is Yin Metal. Truly it should count as the day before since Feb 5th won't start until 3am, making the one have a Yang Metal Monkey day master really. This day master, our Qi, effects our personalities, our relationships with others and our perceptions, even our face shape! There's another idea here too, one that compliments Simulation Theory and Religions very well, and that's that we are born with tendencies. That we're born within a matrix life path. That we are dealt cards that we must play. It's a doozy to accept this sort of thing, incredible once looked into, and always given caution as 'it's not for the faint of heart.’ One can look into this through the art of Zi Wei Dou Shu. Zi Wei Dou Shu, or ZWDS for short, is extremely comprehensive and offers specific and detailed readings. It is difficult to master. ZWDS shows one's potential and limitations and cannot be changed by human luck, but can be made use of by seeing it.

Earth luck is how we are effected by the energies of nature. Closely examined through the use of Feng Shui and considering the psychological effects of one's atmosphere we can see how Qi is stored in our surroundings. Be cautious of frauds! The art of Feng Shui has been thoroughly bastardized and heavily commercialized and overly simplified. This phenomena that started some time in the 60s-70s is called Black Hat Feng Shui to represent its superstitious style. Black Hat Feng Shui red flags to look out for? Lucky charms; Figures of Chinese folklore; never changing sector luck like red being auspicious for the South to bring in love; that sort of thing. Form School and Flying Star Feng Shui are the two popular and authentic methods of optimizing physical surroundings and focus more on the flow of the seasons, avoiding natural chaos like flooding or having one's house placed by the path of a busy road to avoid the likelihood of car accidents happening in the front yard, avoiding dark wet houses to prevent issues involving fungus, ect.. 
Personal luck is implementing one's free will. For example, we can have the potential of great health thanks to being born healthy, Heaven luck, live in an area that offers a rich abundance of healthy foods and fresh air, Earth luck, but it's up to us to actually go outside and consciously buy said healthy foods and prepare them, that's Personal luck. One has to open the door placed in front of them because it won’t force them in on its own. Knowing what doors are available to open is based on one's Heaven luck. If it is not meant to be, it will never happen.

Chinese astrology is not about fortune telling and predicting specific events. It acts as life's strategy guide for each of our personal storylines. There's always a bright side.


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